Wednesday, March 18, 2009

On the move!

Well we have been waiting for it and it has finally came. Jackson is on the move. Oh boy is all I have to say. What was I thinking when I was freaking out cause he wasn't moving. Now of course he is making up for lost time and crawling every where. The other day he crawled over to some outlets that are being used for our tv and dvd player and started yanking on the cords. That was the moment I knew I was in trouble. I guess there are worse things that could happen to us. So that is the latest news on our front. I will try to keep up a bit more on this in the future Amy just for you!!!!


  1. Go, Jackson, Go!!! I can't wait to see him this summer. We'll have the baby swing up for him in the playground behind the house, and I'll be sure to 'babyproof' the house again! So fun! (oh, and thanks for updating!). xoxo

  2. Yes, thanks for updating!! I love blogs, I now have 3 that I check daily to see what my friends and family are up to. Keep um coming Kates!]
